Thursday, September 22, 2011

Why do I think about writing, instead of doing it?

So, having just watched Marc Anthony (J.Lo's soon to be ex) say on a commercial for himself (?) "your passion chooses you", I thought of this wee blog and all the friends who have told me to write and decided to take some advice. So without further adieu:

I wonder why so few people like to stand out. I see it all the time. Is that a survival technique we have developed? What does it protect us from? List: Seek to stand out more. Example: write.

I wonder why it is an effort to remember that my children have only been on the planet for under ten years and what that actually feels like. Five years of time....Ten years of time... It just isn't that long. My seven year old recently went for a drum introductory lesson and I was asked, what music does he like. I was stumped. I know he likes certain songs, but a specific like? There is so much he has never heard, so much to expose him to. He has never owned an album in its entirety. His major exposure to music, I would say, has been movie soundtracks. Egads, that is a horrifying thought. So I add this to the list: Expose children to music more.

Third wonder in this moment: I am teaching my five year old to do word problems while we wait for her bus. She loves it and is continually excited by the challenge. When did I disconnect from this sense of wonder when it comes to math? On NPR, I heard a scientist talking about how children are born scientists and if math is introduced as a universal way of communicating about how things work, kids get it. I love this idea. List: I think this year for my kids science projects, I am going to suggest they relate what they are learning in a mathematical way somehow.

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